Company address: 7th Floor, PhilCox Building, 172 Salcedo, Legazpi Village, Makati, 1229 Metro Manila, Philippines

SEC code: CS201404777

RIGHT RESOURCES MICRO-CREDIT CORP. is a legal and safe online lending platform established since 05 Dec 2007 targeting local citizens in the Philippines.

RIGHT RESOURCES MICRO-CREDIT CORP. is a financing and lending company with the registration number CS201404777,

991 by the SEC MC 30, series of 2017. The company has one online lending platform,  RIGHT RESOURCES MICRO-CREDIT CORP.

Safe Online Loans, with more than one million, activate on Google and beyond eighty –thousand plus reviews as of March 2025.

The platform also provides the best app solutions to make loans easier, faster, and more secure for its clients.

Through selective acquisitions and organic growth,

RIGHT RESOURCES MICRO-CREDIT CORP. has positioned itself for increased balance sheet strength and continuing expansion into new markets. As of 05 Dec 2007 RIGHT RESOURCES MICRO-CREDIT CORP. will improve its service to be the country’s largest loan locally in terms of consolidated resources, customer loans, assets under management and capital, as well as branch and loan network nationwide.

The loaning platform specializes in unsecured online loans in pesos. RIGHT RESOURCES MICRO-CREDIT CORP. allows Filipino citizens to borrow money to lessen the financial burden the locals are experiencing right now. The platform claims to solve all money problems such as capital or wanting to have a new phone, as long as you are eligible by its requirements, terms, and conditions, you can apply for a loan.

1, I. Borrowing amount. B to Party A

2, The new borrower needs to pay first three months to guarantee the information and make credit with company.

3、Borrowing period: The borrowing period is from the start date of the loan to the end date of the loan. If the actual lending date is different from this date, the actual borrowing date shall prevail. Party B shall issue a receipt after receiving the loan, and the IOU issued by Party B shall be attached to this small loan contract and shall have the same legal effect as this small loan contract

4、Party A will pay the borrowed money to Party B's account by way of a transfer

5、Guarantee Terms.

6、The borrower shall not use the loan for illegal activities. Otherwise, Party A has the right to request Party B to repay the principal and interest immediately, and Party B shall be responsible for the legal consequences arising therefrom

7、The borrower must repay the principal and interest in accordance with the terms of the contract. Refusal to repay the loan entitles the borrower to repossess the loan within a certain period of time and to charge a daily late payment fee on the total amount of the loan

8、Borrower after the audit passed due to various factors leading to lending failures such as false identity cards, false bank cards, and false contacts. This false information will cause the system to detect the suspicion of fraudulent lending, the borrower must actively cooperate with Party A to deal with it. If you do not cooperate, Party A has the right to file a lawsuit with the People's Court If the borrower does not cooperate, Party A has the right to file a lawsuit with the People's Court and report to the credit Center of the People's Bank of China to restrict the high consumption of his relatives and children, the system, education, etc.

9、Contract dispute resolution: Disputes arising in the course of the performance of this contract shall be resolved by the parties through friendly consultation, or by third-party mediation. If the negotiation or mediation fails, a lawsuit may be filed with the People's Court where Party A is located according to law

10、This microloan contract is effective from the date of signature (including electronic signature) of all parties. The text of the contract has the same legal effect.    


        Party A (signature, seal) Party B (Signature).


        Date of signing: Date of contract signing.

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